This week we are delighted to feature Cheyene Marling in our #FutureOfResilience series.
"The future of resilience is everything from building organizational readiness and response capabilities. Professionals will be tasked in reviewing an organization’s resiliency posture that expands outside of the conventional business continuity sphere, including financial resilience, branding resilience, regulatory resilience, market and consumer behaviors, competitor review, third-party providers, etc. For over two decades the profession has evolved from disaster recovery (data recovery, applications, systems) to business continuity (operations, processes, people) to now resilience management. Here in lies the opportunity for the traditional business continuity professional to continue to engage more and more at the executive level and expand their skill set."
Cheyene Marling, Hon MBCI

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Cheyene is a global leader with over 20 years of dedicated expertise specializing in the business continuity profession. She founded BC Management, Inc. in 2000 and joined Witt O’Brien’s in 2022 as a Managing Director, Talent Management & Research Analytics. She previously served on the board for the Association of Continuity Professionals (ACP) of Los Angeles and Orange County in addition to the National Board for the ACP. Currently, she is an active professional on the Editorial Advisory Board for Continuity Insights and the DRJ Mentor Advisory Board. Cheyene was also the recipient of the inaugural ACP Hall of Fame award in 2006 and in 2010 she was awarded an Honorary MBCI by the Business Continuity Institute (BCI). In her spare time, she is a mom to two kids and two dogs. She is an avid runner who enjoys scrapbooking, spending time with family (especially in Wisconsin), singing out loud, and watching movies.